Single-component, highly flexible compound used for sealing conduits and pipes through service duct sleeves. An incredibly effective pipe sealant, the compound seals around numerous services within the sleeve, even where significant water ingress exists.
The unique pipe sealant compound never cures, remaining permanently flexible, allowing for new services to be simply pushed through the existing repair and resealed. Stopaq 2100 Aquastop swells by up to 10% when in contact with water and will seal the service duct against water pressure of up to 3m, forming a very effective seal against gas and water vapour.
Stopaq 2100 Aquastop adheres to both wet and dry surfaces of concrete, mortar and plastic without the need of a primer. The swelling characteristics do not create any stresses to the service joint or the structure.
Once the service sleeve is sealed, Stopaq Mortar is used to cap the installation. The mortar is a fibre reinforced and non-shrinking product specially produced for use with Stopaq, that can receive new cables or conduits without the use of power tools.
This product does not include the Newton Stopaq Pipe Sealant Applicator Gun.
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